Women in Sports at Washington College: Title IX 50th Anniversary

02/17/2023Library and Archives Team
Title IX

In 1972, Title IX was passed by Congress, prohibiting sex-based discrimination in education and changing the landscape of athletics for women.

While women had been active in sports prior to this time, just take a look at Washington College’s 1923 women’s basketball team.

1923 Women's Basketball

The support and funding received were far less than for their male counterparts. Today, women’s sports are just as important as men’s and are celebrated here at Washington College.

Learn more about the history of women’s athletics at the presentation “I Celebrate…”: How Title IX Opened Doors for Girls & Women in Sports in Hynson Lounge on February 23rd from 4-6 pm. We hope you enjoy these images of WAC’s female athletes since Title IX came into effect. 

Field Hockey 1970'sWomen's Lacrosse 1990's

Women's Soccer 1990'sPenny Fall coachingWomen's Swimming 2000'sWomen's Tennis 1980'sWomen's Volleyball 1980's


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